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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

4th of July in Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach is once again preparing for its Fourth of July event celebrating the American Spirit. The City of Huntington Beach celebrates 103 years of patriotism in 2007 with the Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade and Celebration. The 2007 festivities offer four full days of entertainment starting July 1st with a huge 4day Family Fun Expo at the famed Huntington Beach Pier. The celebrations include a Main Street home decorating contest, the July 4th Pancake Breakfast at Lake Park, the Surf City 5K Run and FExpo, and the famed 4th of July Parade oMain Street. On the evening of July 4th, a spectacular Fireworks Extravaganza at the Huntington Beach Pier will put a fitting final bang on the celebration. Be sure to bring your entire family out for this event and start a tradition of your own.
Parade Marching bands, military troops, community groups, dignitaries, clowns, equestrians and celebrities make up more than 300 parade entries that will thrill parade goers until just past noon. The103rd Annual Huntington Beach Parade begins at 10 am sharp with hundreds of entries and attractions along the Historic Main Street Parade Route. The parade heads south to Main Street, proceeds up Main through the downtown area, ending at Yorktown Avenue and Main Street. Celebration sponsor, Time Warner Cable television, will be on hand again to tape the Parade for re-broadcast over KOCE later in the day at 3:30 in the afternoon.
The 2007 Celebrity Grand Marshal will be Johnny Grant. As Hollywood’s Honorary Mayor, he has been one of the community’s most enthusiastic supporters for more than 50 years.
He also serves as Chairman of the Walk of Fame Selection Committee and the Hollywood Historic Trust.

Pier Plaza Fun Expo & Entertainment - Entertainment will be at Pier Plaza every day of the Expo – Surf Bands, Dancers, Swing Bands, Singers from 12:00 to 9:00 PM. See HBTV Scroll for names and times. It entertain the family with kids’ entertainment, crafts and other delicious treats. The Expo will run 10 am to 9 pm on July 1, 2, and 3. On the day of the parade, the activities will run from 12:30 pm to 8 pm, with entertainment starting at 1 pm. The 4th of July activities will feature live music and a "Children’s Village Expo" on the first three blocks of Main Street from 1 pm to 7 pm. The Expo is located at Pier Plaza at Main Street and Pacific Coast Highway.

Pancake Breakfast in Lake Park
The Kiwanis Club of Huntington Beach will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast at Lake Park from 7 am to 10 am. Tickets are $5 and will benefit the many important community projects of The Kiwanis Club of Huntington Beach. The breakfast is located at Lake Park, at Main and 11th Street.

Surf City 5K Run and Fitness Expo
The Annual Huntington Beach 4th of July celebration kicks off with the Surf City Run 5K. The race begins promptly at 7 am, with early registration beginning at 6 am at Huntington Beach
High School. The registration costs for the Surf City Run 5K are $25 before June 17 and $30 after June 17. The Surf City Run benefits the Huntington Beach Jr. Lifeguard program.
The Surf City Run Fitness Expo will be open from 6 am to noon fthe enjoyment of runners and their families in Worth Park at 17thand Main Street. Participants can enjoy a variety of food and refreshments, entertainment and music, and view some of the latest in health and fitness. Entertainment will be provided by local surf band favorite, The Breakaways. For more information on the run or to register online, visit .

Surf City Kids Run
Everyone is a winner in the popular Thomas Kemper Soda Kids Run. Held after the Surf City Run 5K, kids 6 and under will run. The kids’ races are not timed and all kids receive an official race t-shirt, goodie bag and finish medal. The race begins promptly at 9 am at Huntington Beach High School and will last until 10 am. Registration costs for the event are $13 before June 17 and $17 after June 17.

Fireworks Extravaganza
After the sun sets, grab a seat on the beach for the spectacular fireworks display over the beach. Thousands of fireworks, synchronized to patriotic music will be launched from the pier. K-Earth 101 continues celebrating 35 years of playing "The Greatest Hits on Earth" with live radio from the Pier and will simulcast the fireworks’ musical accompaniment. The show will begin at 9 pm and end by 9:30 pm.
Seating on the Pier can be purchased at a cost of $10. Tickets are available on the 4th of July website at or at the Pier on the July 4th. Or call Kim at 714-536-5486 for more information.

4th of July information provided by the city's Community Connection.