That was the title of the first seminar put on by The Friends of Shipley Nature Center, Co-sponsored by the City of Huntington Beach and Rainbow Disposal Company. I attended this seminar and it was well worth it. I figured since we are now switching over to the 3 barrel system of trash pickup, I may as well start using what I'm having to separate. We learned the first steps in creating super mulch - why buy your mulch or soil when you can make it yourself! And believe me, our clay ground needs a little help! Added bonus - help save the environment at the same time! There were over 35 in attendance and I'd love to see that number double next time! Rich Flammer of Hidden Resources in San Diego was our instructor. Shipley will be presenting these FREE seminars on the third Saturday of the month (10:00 - 11:30 am) focusing on "backyard composting and how to turn your garden waste into soil enrichments". The next class is August 18 and it is all about worms. (find the info on the calendar at