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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dwyer Middle School - WHAT ARE THEY THINKING!

Submitted by: Honorable John Briscoe, Trustee /

Trustee John Briscoe has been hard-at-it again! CHILDREN ARE AT RISK IN HUNTINGTON BEACH!

The Huntington Beach City School District has confessed its true, real, and actual locker room usage at Dwyer Middle School. In Period Two Physical Education the HBCSD is cramming 121 boys into one locker room in one period. The Huntington Beach Fire Department has calculated the legal room occupancy to be only 23 persons including the teacher.

YES! HBDSD is stuffing 121 boys into a room that legally holds only 21 persons ! ! !

This is unsanitary, it is certainly not private, and it is NOT SAFE. 121 boys in a locker room meant for only 23 is ILLGEAL. Citizens and Taxpayers of Huntington Beach must rise up and demand better for our children.

Call the Superintendent Kessler at 714.964.8888 extension 2010 and share YOUR thoughts!