Barnes & Noble stores across the Country invite customers to share the joy of reading
with the launch of the annual Holiday Book Drive, taking place November 1, 2011
through December 31, 2011. The Barnes & Noble holiday book drive provides an
opportunity for customers to donate books to children in need through locally
designated non-profit organizations.
The Barnes & Noble at Bella Terra Huntington Beach chose the Children’s Needs Task
Force to partner with local non-profits who will benefit from the Holiday Book Drive.
It is a great opportunity for stores and customers to provide new books for children
who really need them, through donations to local charities. Through the gift of these
books, the heroes at Barnes & Noble are giving children in need a treasure to warm
their holiday and a powerful tool to brighten their future.
The Children's Needs Task Force (CNTF) believes that the future of our city depends on
how we view our children. The community can provide an environment where children
grow and become healthy mature adults, who contribute and become a part of the